Dacia Pajé

Contact Information:



Howley Hall 304


Ph.D. - Drexel University

Brief Biography:

Dacia Pajé is an Assistant Professor of Communication and Media Studies in the Political Science Department. As a feminist media scholar, in her research, she strives to put media products in conversation with current feminist discourses and socio-political and legal events. More specifically, from television content-making to social media conversations, her research agenda concerns the exploration of sexual violence, its media representation, and how audiences understand and elaborate on it. Methodologically, she relies on qualitative approaches, such as focus groups, interviews, and feminist critical discourse analysis. She is currently working on several projects, from anti-feminist discourses on social media to transnational feminist movements and sexual violence awareness. Her research has been published in Feminist Media Studies and as chapters in several, published and forthcoming, edited volumes.

Area(s) of Expertise:

Media studies, feminism(s), the (televisual) representation of “feminism,” sexual violence, crime and legal dramas, social media and social movements, civic imagination and social awareness