
The Department of Political Science values internships and other types of experiential learning. Juniors and seniors may receive academic credit for internships if these are conducted in conjunction with a student’s enrollment in PSC 450 – Political Science Internship. Political science internships for credit are open to all students, not just political science students. However, to receive political science credit, your placement must be with a government, political, or public interest organization or official. During the semester you will spend 90 total hours, approximately 8-10 hours per week, at your internship, which depending on the placement, may be in-person, hybrid, or fully virtual. Our interns have served in a wide variety of roles, including city and state government, human rights case investigations and advocacy, research and policy assistance, public affairs and public relations, hospital administration, data analysis, prosecution and criminal defense, election policy, immigrant advocacy, literacy, education program staff, and many more! 

Finding an Internship Placement

Most students in PSC 450 are placed in research and policy internships via the Rhode Island State Government Internship Program. You may find yourself assigned to an individual state representative or senator, conducting legislative research and analysis. Or, your placement may be with a state administrative department, working alongside professional staff in human services, criminal prosecution, elder services, election administration, or other areas of government. Alternatively, some students find internship placements independently, and in recent years these have been with members of Congress, political candidates, public agencies and officials in nearby states and cities, local non-profit community groups, immigrants’ rights advocates, health care facilities, domestic violence shelters, and more.

Requirements to Earn Academic Credit for Your Internship

Successful completion of your internship has these requirements: 

  1. Registration with the Chirico Career Center, and submission of an Academic Learning Agreement.
  2. Completion of assigned projects at your internship, for a total of 90 hours during the semester.
  3. Attendance at four class meetings with the other internship students in PSC 450.
  4. Completion of two required reading assignments.
  5. At semester’s end, a performance evaluation by your site supervisor.
  6. At semester’s end, a 30-60 minute exit interview with the PSC 450 professor.

For More Information

Dr. Adam Myers is the department’s internship coordinator and oversees the College’s participation in the State Government Internship Program. Interested students should consult with their academic advisor or with Dr. Myers during the pre-registration period prior to the semester in which you are seeking internship credit.

Political Internships Abroad

Students who complete an internship and associated internship course while studying abroad can have it counted as PSC 450 (Political Internship) if the internship is related to either politics or government. Students who have questions about whether an internship they are considering is sufficiently politics-related should contact Dr. Myers.

Recent Political Science Internships

  • African Centre for the Constructive Resolution of Disputes
  • Benchmark Strategies
  • Blue Cross/Blue Shield of Rhode Island
  • Care New England
  • Esperanza International
  • Leadership Rhode Island
  • Lifespan Health System
  • Neighborhood Health Plan of Rhode Island
  • Norfolk District Attorney’s Office, Massachusetts
  • Providence City Council
  • Providence Mayoral Candidate Nirva LaFortune
  • Providence Promise
  • Rhode Island Coalition for Families and Children
  • Rhode Island Commission for Human Rights
  • Rhode Island Department of Human Services
  • Rhode Island Department of the Attorney General
  • Rhode Island Hospital
  • Rhode Island House of Representatives
  • Rhode Island Office of Healthy Aging
  • Rhode Island Office of the Treasurer
  • Rhode Island Secretary of State, Elections Division
  • Rhode Island Senate Policy Office
  • Rhode Island Senator Dawn Euer
  • Rhode Island Senator Leonidas P. Raptakis
  • Rhode Island State Representative Mary Ann Shallcross Smith
  • Rhode Island State Senate
  • Sojourner House
  • State of Connecticut Judiciary
  • U.S. Representative David Cicilline
  • U.S. Senator Jack Reed
  • Warwick, Rhode Island Mayor Joseph Solomon

Dr. Matthew Guardino

Department Chair
Howley Hall 319
(401) 865-2547

Dr. Adam Myers

Assistant Department Chair
Howley 317