Providence College Welcomes a NEW Minor: Communications

This year, Providence College is introducing the Communication program, open to students in all majors.

Communication is a critical part of everyday life, particularly in our digitally connected world.  By systematically attending to the methods, practice, and history of communication, we can better understand our engagement with one another, and with culture more broadly.  The program at PC will also allow students to engage these topics in an interdisciplinary fashion, with coursework across numerous departments including English, TDF, Political Science, Art and others. 

Understanding effective communication is a useful skill for all. Anyone with an interest in Communication history, practices, or methods, or those seeking to critically consider media engagement in our contemporary culture might consider applying to the program.

Courses will include the gateway class, Intro to Communication, as well as a variety of courses in oral and visual communication as well as rhetoric.  The minor will also offer an upper-level elective choice across a variety of courses and an internship or independent study, paired with a senior capstone experience.

As we introduce the minor for the first time, admission to the program during the 21-22 academic year is available by application only.  Interested students should plan to apply by October 11th and accepted students will be notified no later than November 1. Information about how to apply will be available shortly via the Morning Mail, social media, and Academic Advising.  The application process will reopen in Spring 2022.  Feel free to contact Andrea McDonnell, director of the program, with questions at

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